The Results For the NC OffShore Challenge!!!!!!! Marlin Mania Brings Home the Bacon, I Mean Dolphin 44.7 Pounds For the Win!!!
What a Wonderful Event, the North Carolina OffShore Challange Went off without a Hitch. It was Months and Months of Planning and Months and Months of Leg Work but it was for a Great Cause. The Veterans of the Patriot Guard. We Put Vets on Boats and they Caught Fish, and Lots of them. The Vets We Put on Elizabeth Grace , (Thanks to Captain/Owner/Operator) Scott Caldwell For Volunteering his Time and His Boat for the Event, and we Put a Few More of a Private 38 Footer Called Salted Owned and Operated by a Good Friend of Ours Jay, he keeps Salted in a Private Slip over at Oden's Dock.
Everyone Caught, but The Patriot Guards that went on the Elizabeth Grace Caught 250 Pounds of Cobia. Suki Sneed Jr Caught Two Cobia, one Weighed in at 75 Pounds and his Other went 52 Pounds. Billy (My Brother) Smith had a 68 Pound Cobia and a 53 Pound Cobia. These Guys Put their Butts on the Line so all of us can be FREE to Do that We Do. That is Why we wanted to be So Involved with this Tournament. The Vets of Jays Boats Salted Did Well on the Dolphin.
The Friday Captains Meeting @ THE WRECK Tiki Bar was an AWESOME time Jimmy Jiggs was on the Guitar and the Place was Packed both Inside and Out. Special Thanks to Charlie the Owner. He Brought in a Whole Wait Staff and Bartenders, he even Brought in Jimmy Jiggs a Very Talented Guitar Player and Entertainer. Lots of Door Prizes were Given away and everyone had a Grand Time. We Signed up and additional 10 Boats that Night. Including the winner, who I talked into entering the Tourney.
Saturday came and Excitement was in the Air, More Banners were put up and Teachs Was plastered in Flags. The BUZZ at the Docks was nothing like I felt at the Docks in over 30 Years. The Adrenaline was contagious and I needed it cause I was Pulling 14 to 18 hour days to make this thing go off. Needless to say as I type this I am Wiped OUT!!!!! But GREAT CAUSE GREAT FOLKS AND A GREAT TIME.
The Leader Board at the End of Fishing Saturday was Full of Fish. We had 6 Fish that were Big enough to Enter. We had Female Anglers in the Lead for a While Only to Get Knocked out. We had our Boat Marlin Mania in First and Third Place at the End of the Day.
We also had the Lead in the Wahoo Division with my Very Good Friend and Brother Ralph Fucci and His Buddy and my new Buddy Scott. These Guys were on Fire, they went 15 for 15 and even had a Blue Marlin First on Ralph's Private Boat, a 26 foot Everglade. We ate Like Kings that night Chicken at the Docks and with Wahoo Fish Taco's, Cobia, Spanish Macks at Ralph's Ocean Front Home.
We Set up the Chicken Fryers and Greg and his Wife went to Town Feeding Our Army of Folks. All that while we were Entertained by a Great Musician on the Steel Drum. Folks Ate Subway Subs, a Big 6 footer, and Chicken that would make the Colonel Embarrassed to call what he Sells Chicken.... All Day was Fun w had Kids and Grownups Crabbing all around the Docks Pickin off buckets of Crabs. Music Good People and Good Times. If you are having Fun You Are Doing it Right!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday came and Excitement was in the in the air Marlin Mania was still in the Lead with a 44.7 Pounder. They had Lost the Third place fish to a Boat from Morehead called Family Time. But they still held the First Place Spot. Can You imagine having to Wait 24 hours in First place waiting to get Knocked Out. Man Talk about a Case of the Nerves.. But Sunday as the Clock Struck Six, the Scales were Closed in Atlantic Beach and Oregon Inlet and Hatteras.
Marlin Mania WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kevin Whelan was the Main Man
Beau Whelan
Rachel Moore (Held female angler division for a while)
Timothy Sellers
Captain Jim Bowman Owner Operator FV Marlin Mania
Mike Hauck First Mate
Matt Waddell Second Mate
Congrats Over 47 Boats Between 3 Locations and You all Did Teach's Lair Proud by Bringing Home the TROPHY that will be Displayed for the Year at the Marina. Until Someone Unseats US!!!!!!!!!
The Tickets to Patriotic Festival June 2nd Old Dominion goes to Patriot Guard Billy Smith
The Tickets to Patriotic Festival June 2nd Old Dominion goes to Patriot Guard Gannon Owens.
Tickets to Patriotic Festival June 3rd Darius Rucker goes to Patriot Guard Suki Sneed Jr.
Tickets to Patriotic Festival June 3rd Darius Rucker goes to Patriot Guard Pat Jackson
The Tickets to Patriotic Festival June 4th Jake Owen goes to Patriot Guard John Durandora
The Tickets to Patriotic Festival June 4th Jake Owen goes to Patriot Guard Hawk Agular
Until Next Time JAM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!