These Little Ladies, ARE TOUGH AS NAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I will say it again, because there are a lot of Grown Men I know, that would NOT want any Part of what Addison and Brynlee Lane fished in Yesterday. So::::::: These Little Ladies, ARE TOUGH AS NAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They were on a FULL Day Charter with Bak-Bar Sports Fishing with Family and Friends. The Wind was Near Gale Conditions and Captain Will Said these Girls are Ready for Duck Hunting, if you get my Drift.
They wore out Blue Fish From 8 to 14 Pounds, and Caught Drum to 43 Inches. All While the Wind was Howling close to 30 Knots, and Gusting Well Over. Take a Good Look at these Pictures, those Rollers are Trying To Break in the Sound and are every bit of 3 Foot. Captain Will Said "I could Not believe it they were Hooting and and Hollerin Like they were on a Roller Coaster" These Girls are Hatteras Winter Duck Hunting Ready.. TOUGH AS NAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hallelujah Was out there too with a Good Lookin Crew, Hats off to them Too.
Great Fishing and I want to Thank the Lanes for Making My Day and Making my Fishing report Write itself. Thanks Guys..
Until Next Time JAM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!