Never Have I seen it Like this In the Spring, Real Deal Choppers Everywhere!!!!!
Well I guess I am getting Old cause it's "Story Time" with your Buddy JAM.
Now I have only Lived here on Hatteras for the last 15 Years, so just because I have never seen anything like this happen before, does not mean it hasn't. Matter of Fact a Good Friend of mine Lynne, who I used to Drum Fish the point a lot with is in one of the Famous Photo's of Blues Chasing Trout up on the Beach that you see in all the Restaurants and Shops. So Lynne has Witnessed it First hand as well, just back in the 80's.
Goes to Prove a Point to the DMF's (Not What You're Thinking Get your Mind out of the Gutter.... LOL, all over the Country) Division of Marine Fisheries)
There was NO BLUE FISH MANAGEMENT PLAN, and they came right back in a CYCLE of Life. If we as Humans would just get out of the Way of Nature, instead of Trying to Manage and Control it we would all be a lot better off and less frustrated. Just Sayin...
Two Boats out Yesterday Bak Bar and Hallelujah They both had Banner Days and Crushed the Blues and Drum. Check out the Pics ...
I put in a Photo of our Friend from Syracuse NY Dakota Malinowski when he was a lot Smaller..
Until Next Time JAM out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!