Citation BlackFin Tuna within 9 Miles of the Beach!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Guys Went Kinging yesterday and much to their Surprise they were Covered up with BlackFin Tuna. Big enough for several Citations. These Fish were within 9 Mile of the Beach and there was a Bunch of them. We launched a Bunch of Private Boats Yesterday, bout ten of them, I hope they Scored too. Winds Blew up out of the Ese so the Ride home was sporty. Inshore Drum and Trout. Nice ones.
Gabe Sava of Poquoson Va had a 22 Pound BlackFin Tuna.
Richard Roth of Huntington Valley Pa had a 24 Pound BlackFin Tuna.
Kieran Bowman of Buxton had a 26 Pound BlackFin Tuna aboard the Harpers Folly.
Until Next Time JAM out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!