Welcome to the New Fishing Report Page, We Hope You Enjoy The New WebSite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to The New Hatteras Landing WebSite we look forward to Providing you the Latest up to date Fishing Report on Hatteras Island. Hatteras Landing is the Combination of the Campuses of Teach's Lair Marina and Shops and Hatteras Landing Marina and Shops.
One of the Goals is to Provide you with the Up Most Customer Service and Current Information with the regards to all Aspects of Fishing. Charters, Tackle, Apparel, Rigging, Baits, Weather and Sea Conditions and or what ever you may need to make you Hatteras Island Vacation the Best it can be. Remember there is No Such thing as a Dumb Question, only the One that Goes Un Asked. Our Marina and Tackle Shop Staff have over 100 Years of Experience Combined and are Willing to Share this Information with You.
As always our Fishing Reports contain one thing that most Fishing Reports Do Not, The Truth. If we don't have a picture, then it did not happen. Either we are catching or we are not, and that will be reported just the same. That's why it's called Fishing and not Catching the results can vary from day to day. Remember I'd Rather Be lucky than good.
Well we hope you enjoy our New Enhanced Spot on the Ole' InterWeb, Now On to the Fishing Report. Which for today I am gonna make it a picture Report we got tons of Pictures from the Past few days as we did the cut over.
Jason Lisicwski of Miller Md had a SailFish while fishing aboard the Longer Days...
Peter Randazzo of Leetsdale Pa had a 44 Inch Drum aboard the Bak Bar.
Robert Holly of Elizabethton TN had a SailFish while fishing aboard the Cookie Monster.
James Brady of Cranford NJ had a SailFish while fishing aboard the Marlin Mania.
Peyton Mawyer of Mosley Va had a 45 Inch Drum while fishing aboard the Bak Bar.
Kevin Mawyer of Moseley Va had a 50 Inch Drum while fishing aboard the Bak Bar.
Nathaniel Salopek of Pittsburg Pa had a 46 Inch Drum while fishing aboard the Speck Tackler.
Until Next Time JAM out!!!