
Thats Right Folks, Congrats to Jeff and Cheryl Sanford of Gloucester Va (owners of the Longer Days) Brought a BOSCO to the Scales.  The Fish was Tail Wrapped and Dead when it came up.  So We do not waste a Thing, this Fish was Magnificent and a Thing of Beauty even in Death.  She Will Feed a lot...

Let the Pictures do the Talking on my Day off but fishing was so good I wanted to come in and Share it with you all.  Met a Really Nice Family From Pennsylvania and watched them Crab for a While.  They did real real good, one Crab almost Covered the Bottom of a 7 Gallon Bucket.  Bottom Fish...


Look at the Size of that Amberjack, that will wear you plumb out.  They Call them Reef Donkeys for a Reason, they are Hard Headed as all get out, and if you have Played with them before that You Know how hard they...

Been a Long Few Days of No OffShore Trips and I KNOW the Captains were Happy to be out there.  Most think like I do, or I think like them, either way ya put it, Land is Highly Overrated..


Nice Dolphin and...

Nice Job Will Puttin Autumn on that First Cobia, and Autumn Congrats on that First of many BROWN BOMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until Next Time JAM out!!!!!!!!!!!!

