Thats Right Folks, Congrats to Jeff and Cheryl Sanford of Gloucester Va (owners of the Longer Days) Brought a BOSCO to the Scales. The Fish was Tail Wrapped and Dead when it came up. So We do not waste a Thing, this Fish was Magnificent and a Thing of Beauty even in Death. She Will Feed a lot...
Let the Pictures do the Talking on my Day off but fishing was so good I wanted to come in and Share it with you all. Met a Really Nice Family From Pennsylvania and watched them Crab for a While. They did real real good, one Crab almost Covered the Bottom of a 7 Gallon Bucket. Bottom Fish...
Look at the Size of that Amberjack, that will wear you plumb out. They Call them Reef Donkeys for a Reason, they are Hard Headed as all get out, and if you have Played with them before that You Know how hard they...
Been a Long Few Days of No OffShore Trips and I KNOW the Captains were Happy to be out there. Most think like I do, or I think like them, either way ya put it, Land is Highly Overrated..