
Well Folks We are Back at it!!!!!!!!   CATCHING That is!!!!!  We had Some nice catches of Bottom Fish, Red Drum, Yellow Fin Tuna, Black Fin Tuna.  And  the First Blue Marlin out of our Marina this Year, Caught by Angler/Captain Kenny Koci on a Private Boat.  Fish weighed in at 350 Pounds, and it...

BlackFin Tuna, come and get them.  This was caught right before the Start of Our second Nor'Easter in a Row.  Aboard the Runaway.  

Until Next Time JAM Out!!!!!

This is the time of Year that if you are looking for that BlackFin Tuna Citation, ya better get it done soon.  Runaway had to Fish Through the Lil Tunies to get a Nice catch of Citation BlackFins ....But as the Spring approaches the BlackFins will get Smaller and Smaller and Smaller till they...

When you Live on a SandBar.    An Ole Timer and Good Friend of mine who has since Passed, (Navy Davey)  told me When I moved to the Island 16 Years ago that if you live on a SandBar you are gonna get your feet wet.  I can Do Feet, but Dang we got a whole lot more than our feet wet on this one. ...

This ones going to the Packer.  Big Tahuna caught a Nice BlueFin Tuna.  BlackFins are on Fire.  And the Bottom Fishing is Always Good. Ya Never Know!!!!!!!  My Buddies Daughter with a Nice King.   All we need is YOU to...
