
And What a weekend it was.  If it Swam it was Caught, Multiple Times.  From Blue Marlins to Pompano, we have the Pictures and the Citations along with Major Mikes Granddaughter Loving the Sea Bean and Scotch Bonnet he  sent her.  Get your reading Glasses cause here they come!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...

I hope You Enjoy..


William McDaniel of Elliston Va. had a 46 Pound Cobia aboard the Speck Tackler. 

Eric Kwiatkowski of Hanover Pa had 3 Drum a 46, 46, 47, aboard the Hallelujah.  


Congrats to one of our Local Fisher People, Rachael Bibby on 2 Citation Drum.  They were the First of MANY to Come..  It's always My Pleasure to Announce a First Time Fish, it's such a special moment.  But we are gonna let the Pictures do the Rest of the talking cause I have a Bunch!!!!!!!   ...
